Date calculator with add & subtract operation

The date calculator is a useful tool that helps you perform date calculations based on adding or subtracting a specific number of days, weeks, months or years. It is used to find past or future dates by selecting a starting date and a period in days, weeks, months or years.

Date calculator image

There are also two dates calculation option to know the duration of days between two dates. You have to select the date and click on the button.

Date calculator

It allows you to enter a starting date and choose an operation “add or subtract” to calculate a new date based on the specified number of days, months and years.

Duration Between Two Dates

Date Calculator – Overview

This is a simple but powerful date calculator that helps you perform date calculations in seconds. Simply, enter a starting date and choose an operation “Add or Subtract” to calculate a new date based on the number of days, months and years.

Additionally, the calculator also help to calculate the duration in days between two selected dates.


  1. Simple interface: It has a clean layout with input fields, and easy for you to perform date calculations.
  2. Starting date and operation: You can select a starting date from the date selector and choose an operation from the dropdown menu, such as add or subtract the specified time period.
  3. Time period input: The supported number of days (0-31), months (0-11), and years (0-100). You can add or subtract.
  4. Date result: Upon clicking the calculate button, the calculator processes the input values and displays the date below the button.
  5. Difference between two dates: There is another date calculation feature below, you can also calculate the difference in days between two dates.


The calculator displays initial results when the page loads, but you can change the values ​​and dates to suit your needs.

Error messages: The calculator includes a built-in error guide so you can enter valid values. If your input values ​​exceed the specified range, showing an error message.

Use of Date Calculator:
  • For planning: You can quickly calculate future dates for event planning, such as scheduling meetings, birthdays or anniversaries.
  • Personal Use: There are many uses, like you can find exact date between dates, know how many days are left, etc.

The date calculator is a tool that simplifies your date calculations and saves time. You’ll get clear date and day results, which is essential if you need to manage dates. Its user-friendly interface, quick response and good functionality ensure that you can rely on it for accurate date calculations.

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Hi, I'm Jasmine. I have 5 years of experience as a web developer. I manage all the content of this website so that all the calculators or converters work accurately.

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