This weeks calculator lets you calculate the date, the duration between weeks, and add or subtract weeks to a date. When you select the Add or Subtract option you’ll get results including a calendar highlighting the relevant dates.
Weeks Calculator – Overview
Here is a overview of the Weeks Calculator functionality when you perform calculation: You can choose from three calculation types. However, there are many calculation based on weeks such as Weeks from, Weeks ago, etc.
Calculation Type Selection:
- Between Dates: Calculates the number of weeks between two dates.
- Result Display: Results are displayed dynamically: for “Between Dates”, it shows the number of weeks in a large font.
- Add Weeks: Adds the specified number of weeks to the start date and shows the resulting date.
- Subtract Weeks: Subtracts the specified number of weeks from the start date and shows the result date.
Date Input Fields:
The calculator provides two date input fields to select the start and end dates for the “Dates between” option. Otherwise, you can choose the start date for the “Add weeks” and “Subtract weeks” options.
- Weeks Input Field: An additional input field allows you to enter the number of weeks to add or subtract.
- For “Add Weeks” and “Subtract Weeks”: It displays the result date in large font along with the details of the calculation.
- Calendar View: When adding or subtracting weeks a calendar is drawn for the month of the resulting date. The resulting date is highlighted in yellow on the calendar.
Responsive Design: The layout is simple, and suitable for use on a variety of devices.
How to use the Weeks calculator?
- Select Calculation Type: Select the desired calculation type from the dropdown menu.
- Enter Dates: Enter the start date and, if applicable, and the end date.
- Enter Number of Weeks: If you are adding or subtracting weeks, enter the number of weeks in the input field provided.
- Calculate: Click the “Calculate” button to perform the calculation.
- View Results: The results will be displayed below, including the number of weeks or the date, with the calendar highlighting the relevant date.
Example use cases:
This calculator is useful if you want to know how many weeks there are between two dates, such as the start and end date of a project. Adding or subtracting weeks to see what a date would be a certain week ago can help you in many ways.
However, if you need any further revisions or clarification, feel free contact us. Read more about Weeks on Wikipedia.