To calculate days between two dates, enter the dates in both dropdown menus by selecting the day, month, and year. Click on the calculate button.
How many days between two dates?
How to calculate days between 2 dates?
To calculate the number of days between two dates, follow these steps below:
- Select the dates: Choose the two dates you want to compare.
- Convert the dates to a common format: Make sure both dates are in the same format, such as YYYY-MM-DD.
- Calculate the difference: Subtract the earlier date from the later date to find the difference. This will give you the difference in days.
- Consider edge cases: If the dates are in different months or years, keep check of the total number of days in each month and leap years.
- Return the result: The result will be the absolute value of the difference in days, it will be non-negative regardless of the order of the dates.
If you have two dates, for example Sept 1, 2024 and Sept 10, 2024.
- Start date: September 1, 2024
- End date: September 10, 2024
- The days difference would be 9 days.
However, our day calculator makes this process simple, all you have to do is enter the dates in both fields and click the button. If you have any suggestions, feel free to contact us!
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