This Time Calculator helps you easily perform various calculations related to time and date. It has options to Add and Subtract time, calculate the time difference between two times, and calculate the number of days between two dates.
Time Calculator
How to use time calculator?
Visit the home page you will find the time calculator listed there.
1: Select an operation:
- At the top of the calculator you will find a dropdown menu for the type of operation.
- Although initially you will find the “Add time” input fields, you can select others from the drop down menu.
- Click the dropdown to see the available options, such as Add time, Subtract time, Time between times ,Time between dates.
- Select the desired operation by clicking on it.
2: Input time or date values:
After selecting an operation, the input fields related to your choice will appear below the dropdown. For Time Operations, Add, Subtract, or Time Between times:
- You will see two input fields named “Enter for the first time” and “Enter for the second time”.
- Enter the time in HH:MM format (24-hour format). For example, first time: 14:30 (2:30 PM) and second time: 10:15 (10:15 AM).
3: For date operations (time between dates):
- You will see two input fields labeled “Enter first date” and “Enter second date”.
- Click the date picker icon in each field and select the desired dates from the calendar.
4: Calculate:
- After entering the required values, look for the “Calculate” button appearing below the input field.
- Click the “Calculate” button to perform the calculation based on the selected operation.
5: View the result:
The result of your calculation will be displayed in a result box below the input field. The result will be formatted according to the operation you selected:
- Time operations: You will see the result in this format. For example, “Sum: 04:45,” “Difference: 02:15,” or “Time between times: 06:15”.
- Date operations: You will see an output of the number of days between two dates. For example, “Days between dates: 5 days”.
6: Current date and time:
The current date and the time will be displayed below the result box. The date will be formatted as “Day of week, Month day, Year”, for example, “Friday, September 20, 2024” and the time will be in “HH:MM”
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